Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Promethean Art

Tomorrow is the start of the Cannes Film Market. And our sales rep is there with The Prometheus Trap. And that means the embargo on the key art is lifted.


Aric Blue said...

That's pretty cool, but I don't think that tag line has much to do with the plot...(so, pretty much par for the course for advertising...)

Andrew Bellware said...

Our plot is much more... er... Promethean. So it actually works. We do have "fire", and although there's no angry god in the movie that we actually see...
Steve Niles indulged my worst trait -- going right for the classical. ;-)

Aric Blue said...

Does Steve Niles know he has to change his name because there's already a famous Steve Niles, and I'm pretty sure YOUR Steve Niles is not 30 Days of Night Steve Niles.

Andrew Bellware said...

Ha! Yes. Exactly. Yes, he adds his middle initial to credits. ;-)