Monday, November 5, 2012

Pictures from Libby Day 3 III

Filmmaking is a fake bloody business.

Joe Chapman seeks solace in the olde gohds.

The scrum on the Middlesex Greenway.

Victory is ours Comerades! That's Julia Maldonado, the Queen of Mars, Joe Chapman, Andrew Bellware, Joe's dad (!), Annalisa Loeffler, and... er... Louis.

Annalisa with Louis.

The movie doesn't actually look this happy.

Louis likes a good time.

Three shot.

She's not bird watching, she's gnat watching. 

One day we'll figure out what we're doing here.

Two silver-backed gorillas fight for dominance.

This is the first time I've seen this script.

This might be a good time to put a wireless mic on.

Pilot hero Andrew "AJ" Bellware readys the quadrocopter.

I see a Facebook picture here.

Checking playback from the dragoncam.

Julia Maldonado hunted by the dragon.

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