It's a 39" monitor for $340 delivered (to the US). The refresh rate is limited to 30Hz at "4K" resolution and I drive it with my Quatro 4000 video card.
So far I really like it. I've fiddled a bit with Windows font sizing and such.
All of my "professional" work is audio-for-video so it's really nice to be able to have the mixer up, with a reasonably sized video window, while having enough space to edit on. It's also nice to have a reasonable number of tracks to be able to see at one time. Oh, and the 5.1 meters show up too.
I'll probably do some massaging of the way the screen is set up as I live with it. The slow refresh doesn't bother me as far as working goes but NTSC video looks very, er, "video" to my eyes on this screen at 30Hz. So I slowed it down even further: 24Hz. There is lag, sure, but the video is prettier.
Here's the link to the screenshot via Imgur:
The image below is perhaps annoyingly large so feel free to look at the imgur link instead.

Nice. You got a dual setup or just the one monitor? I find I can no longer work on a single monitor now that I've been using the 2 setup for so long.
It's a single-monitor setup. I find that not having the "break" between monitors to be nice. And much bigger than the one monitor I have and you sort of end up with a surround of monitors which is less practical for me.
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