Friday, September 25, 2015

Additional Photography

We're gearing up for some additional photography on Carbon Copy. Brian Schiavo is building some (5) masks for the androids.
What we need is a rock quarry -- preferably in Pennsylvania (because we'll have airsoft and paintball guns which look like real firearms).
What would be even better is if there was some sort of abandoned steel mill there.
We're shooting in the "Philadelphia Desert" and in post-apocalyptic New York City.
First sculpt.

The eyes will have lenses.


Jeff said...

Get thee to Bethlehem and Scranton, my son.

Andrew Bellware said...

Yes but that's actually in New York State. Which is a problem re: firearms laws. What's the equivalent in PA?

Jeff said...

Is it?,_Pennsylvania#Bethlehem_Steel

Andrew Bellware said...

That particular planet is in Lackawanna NY.

Jeff said...

"Shirley naught!" thought I. But lo, Bellware was right, and my associations with Lackawanna were misleading at best, deceitful at worst.

Andrew Bellware said...

It coulda been worse. It coulda been Hoboken.