Saturday, November 1, 2014


In my effort to prove the Mac Mini is the device with which I can replace a power machine I have discovered a flaw.
GPU performance.
If you read the Internet, and I don't know why you would, you'd find that most articles poo pooh the very high end of computers because "What are you doing? 3D rendering? Ha! Nobody does that."
These helmets are all but impossible to make.

Oh. But we do. We do.
When all is said and done the Mac Pro makes a good deal of sense. Especially a refurbished one. Quiet. Low energy use. Very interesting. Still have all the issues with certain, ahem, hardware.
The Mac Pro is essentially unphotographable.

I think I basically have to move over to USB for audio hardware. Right now the best solution seems to be the Focusrite Scarlett 18i20. It has an adequate number of outputs.
Or I could just cheat. Somehow. Cheating is good.


Lindsay Stewart said...

Apropos of nothing, Black Magic is giving away node based vfx ware...

Lindsay Stewart said...

Andrew Bellware said...

Wow. That is very very interesting. Yes. That is an answer to After Effects, isn't it?
Very interesting. Thanks!