Saturday, December 10, 2011

Feng Shui

So the Feng Shui of our new office has some issues. Yes, I know it's not actually "Feng Shui". And I also know that we have these 63" wide desks and we're moving into a room with these pillars and bases which make it hard to put things up against walls.
So this is my first plan. It's not pretty. But we have to get up and running within a day so it's the plan we've got. I have a month and 5 days from now to finish Android Insurrection so you know we're going to be rendering right away.
Joe, however, will have vastly better ideas for how we should use the space.


Unknown said...

Feng Shui is the buzzword in Bengal's new power corridors. From chief minister Mamata Banerjee's office to the decors in front of key officials' .feng shui

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

I have a month and 5 days from now to finish Android Insurrection so you know we're going to be rendering right away. feng shui

Andrew Bellware said...

This post collected some weird spam, yo.