As far as I know we've only had one serious injury from someone on-set. And it was during a take in a scene where an actor
sat down but because she was measuring the distance behind her she ended up wrenching her thumb. Badly.
We have first aid kits on set but I've never really put a lot of deliberate thought into what should be in a first aid kit. Like a decent, real, first aid kit.
twelve hundred bucks you can buy a defibrillator. But in most of the places I'm in EMS will get there by the time you remember where it is and get someone to get it while you're giving compressions and rescue breaths. So they don't seem terribly practical for actual first aid kits.
A Pocket Mask, however, seems like a super useful thing to have in a first aid kit.
Honestly, I'm a bit surprised they don't come standard in more kits.
But most of what one needs in a first aid kit that gets opened and used on a daily basis is much more pedestrian. I find it hard to locate a pre-stocked kit with exactly what I think we'll need in it. In no particular order, and with some items as
definites and others as
somebody's gonna want this:
- Eyewash kit
- Saline solution
- Tampons with applicator
- Feminine pads
- Ibuprofen
- Anti-diarrheal medicine
- Hand sanitizer
- Antacid
- Bandaids -- more bandaids is always a good thing. Everyone needs bandaids
- 3-in-1 ointment or Bacitracin or whatever
- alcohol wipes
- Examination gloves
- Trauma shears
- Forceps
- Instant cold packs
I may update this list. But these are the sorts of things I think I want to have just, you know, around.